The baker, by Raymond Carver
"Then Pancho Villa came to town,hunged the mayorand summoned the old and infirm Count Vronsky to supper. Pancho introduced his new girl friend, along with her husband in his white apron, showed Vronsky his pistol, then asked the Count to tell himabout his unhappy exile in Mexico. Later, the talk was of women and horses. Both were experts. The girl friend giggledand fussed with the pearl buttonson Pancho's shirt until, promptly at midnight, Pancho went to sleepwith his head on the table. The husband crossed himselfand left the house holding his bootswithout so much as a signto his wife or Vronsky. That anonymous husband, barefooted, humiliated, trying to save his life, heis the hero of this poem."
Raymond Carver (foto) nasceu em 1938 na cidade americana de Clatskanie, no estado de Oregon. Sua primeira coletânea de contos, Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?, foi publicada em 1976, mas sua estréia como poeta foi com o livro Near Klamath, publicado em 68. Seu livro mais conhecido é What We Talk About When We Talk About Love (1981), e muitos de seus contos seriam adaptados pelo diretor Robert Altman no filme Short Cuts. Raymond Carver morreu de câncer aos 50 anos.
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